
“the calendar does not determine your growth and healing. your soul does. when your soul is ready you will do the sacred work. may you be free, you precious, worthy, living thing. may you be free. —Jaiya John


somatic means relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind. ‘soma’ means ‘the body of an organism’ in english. ‘soma’ simply means body in latin. in greek, ‘soma’ means ‘the living body known from within’, or known to the SELF.

white supremacy, colonization, patriarchy impact the body and may separates us from this knowing from within.

trauma (including racialized trauma and microaggression) lives visually and visceral on the body. more specifically, it lives in the autonomic nervous system (ANS). time does not heal trauma. we focus on the body as racialized healing | recovery | traumatic growth emerges from tending to the body. this is a circular process.

when navigating trauma, developing a relationship with the body, attuning to it, trusting it and finding safety within are important to healing. a possible starting point is attuning to one’s biological needs and honouring them. over time this may build trust and discernment. it is also healing to return to one’s cultural context, ancestral wisdom, cultural and communal practices….healing at root level.

“the body is where we live. it’s where we fear, hope, and react. it’s where we constrict and relax. and what the body most cares about are safety and survival. when something happens to the body that is too much, too fast, or too soon, it overwhelms the body and can create trauma.

contrary to what many people believe, trauma is not primarily an emotional response. trauma always happens on the body. it is a spontaneous protective mechanism used by the body to stop or thwart further (or future) potential damage.

trauma is not a flaw or a weakness. it is a highly effective tool of safety and survival. trauma is also not an event. trauma is the body’s protective response to an event—or a series of events—that it perceives as potentially dangerous. this perception may be accurate, inaccurate, or entirely imaginary. in the aftermath of highly stressful or traumatic situations, our soul nerve and lizard brain may embed a reflexive trauma response in our bodies. this happens at lightning speed.

an embedded trauma response can manifest as fight, flee, or freeze—or as some combination of constriction, pain, fear, dread, anxiety, unpleasant (and/or sometimes pleasant) thoughts, reactive behaviors, or other sensations and experiences. this trauma then gets stuck on the body—and stays stuck there until it is addressed.  ―Resmaa Menakem, my grandmother's hands


though helpful, meditation or spiritual practice alone cannot address / process trauma. touching peace in meditative practice or worshiping can be resourcing and as BIPOC folks we cannot stop there especially if we are easily triggered / activated. cultivating mindfulness / awareness is helpful as it helps to understand and navigate the inner terrain. it may help to facilitate the reconnection of disconnected parts and restore the knowing from within. however, trauma needs to be metabolized. 

SOULmatic practices are body-based healing practices that help one create a relationship with their body. tending to the body, finding pleasure and safety on the body, connecting to your own body-wisdom. it is the practice of mindfulness of the body in the body - a knowing from within. i use SOULmatic as we explore at the level of our soul nerves that may puts us into fight, flight, freeze, rest & digest or social engagement / connection. 

at the root, SOULmatic practices are our birthright indigenous cultural practices such as rhythmic chanting, various forms of communal dancing and movement, breathwork, chanting and dancing, humming, rocking & swaying, SOULsounding, etc. these cultural practices have been very important for our ancestors to navigate and survive atrocities.  

“trauma victims cannot recover until they become familiar with and befriend the sensations in their bodies. being frightened means that you live in a body that is always on guard. angry people live in angry bodies. the bodies of child-abuse victims are tense and defensive until they find a way to relax and feel safe. in order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past. ―Bessel A. van der Kolk, the body keeps the score

we are much more than our traumatic experiences. there is something inside of each of us that remains untouched by trauma. it’s possible to anchor there. Resmaa Menakem reminds us that, WE ARE NOT DEFECTIVE, and we deserve to know that in our bones.

spirituality does have a place in trauma recovery. prayer, meditation, compassionate witnessing, spiritual community, ancestral rituals, cultural practices, cultural foods, sacred spaces, SOULmatics, social justice work, communing with the earth, communing with ancestors, etc. all have been an integral part of my generational trauma recovery - in addition to meeting each activation (pathway to the unprocessed trauma) and processing it with the support of an ethno-integrative mental health practitioner.


i found these two videos helpful in understanding the nervous system and trauma. please feel free to research the work of both Dr. Stephen Porges and Dr. Deb Dana, who developed the clinical aspects of the Polyvagal Theory.

fyi: updating the above sections👆🏾

when we discover something to be true today through our own direct experience, we will see that our previous assumptions were wrong, or at least incomplete. our new way of looking transcends yesterday’s desire, prejudices, narrow-mindedness, and habits. we see that to use the golden molds and emerald yardsticks of yesterday’s understanding is nothing less than slavery or imprisonment. when we attain a new understanding of reality, it is impossible to accept things we know to be false. our actions will be based on our own understanding, and we will follow only those rules we have tested through our own direct experience. we will discard false rules and conventions of the current social order. but we have to expect that society will turn on us with a vengeance. human history is filled with the tragedies caused by that vengeance. history teaches that we die if we oppose the system, yet many individuals continue to challenge the darkness, despite the danger in doing so. those who pursue the truth are members of the community of truth seekers and reformers throughout time and space. they do not resign themselves to a collective fate that offers no laurels.
— Thich Nhat Hanh, fragrant palm leaves



my highest credentials stem from the resurrection of my indigenous ways of knowing and reconnection to ancestors, spirit, SOUL and knowing from within, reconnection to land and people. i continue to reclaim, decolonize and deepen my connections.

trained in meditation & mindfulness (plum village tradition), 2008 to present

foundations in somatic abolitionism, 2021 & 2022,

community resiliency model (CRM®) certified through TRI*, 2022

trauma-informed care || resiliency-informed care

ethno-integrated mental health training & mentorship (EWR - Shobha R.), 2024 to present

the shaman's way of healing masterclass, the four winds, winter 2024

sensorimotor: layers of trauma: a recorded session analysis, spring 2024

Ferentz institute, advance trauma treatment, level 1 - spring 2024-in progress

***community resiliency model (CRM)***
trauma resource institute (TRI)


i support black & brown PERSONS OF CULTURE recovery from the impact of white supremacy, colonization, patriarchy on the mind-body-soul.

my name is Kenyatta (they | she). i am Jamaican born and migrated 30 years ago (lived in Canada, France, USA) and recently returned to my homeland. i would like to acknowledge that i carry the traumas, joys and strength of my ancestors and they are walking with me.


my story

coming from poverty, i believed the lie that money and material possessions will bring happiness and wellbeing. with a lot of ingenuity, i was able to complete my studies in computer science, math and french, which included living 1 year as an au pair in the south of france. that was where i met my ex-husband. after arriving at a fairly comfortable material existence, it was heartbreaking to discover the truth - material possession does not bring happiness. there was an empty hole inside of me and no material possession could fill it up. i came to the conclusion that this can’t be it, something essential was missing. i was having a early mid-life crisis that included suicidal ideation, depression and self-loathing (which masked itself as performative perkiness, bubbly, positivity, self-confident, etc. when deep down inside, i was disconnected, scared, doubtful and uncomfortable within myself). with some grace and support i was able to take another path…

i came in touch with the teaching and community of the late zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and i was scared as i knew my life as i knew it was about to change. i started to practice his teachings which touched deep joy within and my life started to change. i started to feel full inside: by gardening, attending retreats, and giving genuine smiles. all of which touched things within me that i didn’t know existed - namely inner peace. my suicidal thoughts that usually came after difficulties didn’t come any more (and thankfully still hasn’t returned, even after hitting rock bottom). after 5 years working in Information Technology (IT), i decided to leave my corporate life behind and ordained as a nun. i wanted to do this full time.

i was a zen nun for 8 years where i trained under the late zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. my training included understanding myself (mind & body) and healing myself through mindfulness practices. i was also trained in holding safe healing spaces for visiting retreatants (who stayed with us anywhere from a day to 1 year). in addition to adults, i have had the opportunity to offer mindfulness practices with children during family retreats at the monastery.

then covid came and hit my nervous system like a lighting bolt. all the years of ‘the joy of meditation’ went out the door. i could not sit anymore. luckily i didn’t force it. all the years of practicing were like contributing to a saving account and when covid hit, i withdrew all my savings and more. this was generational trauma. i had to start over and rebuild from the ground up. with grace, i was given everything i needed to do this. i got to know my nervous system very intimately and learnt to navigate it. it became clear to me that meditation alone cannot address trauma and the systems in place do not support healing.

my zen master sometimes shared that non-Vietnamese individuals must eventually return to their roots. i didn’t understand this until the day came for me to leave my life as a nun. with all my experiences & gifts received, my compass changed course. it has led me to return to Jamaica to see what can be done.

seeing the challenges children are faced within our community in Jamaica, i would like to do something to help. helping children to have a good start is also helping the future of Jamaica that is rigged with various types and levels of violence & trauma. i continue to seek culturally appropriate ways to help and am open to learn new methods.

seeing the mark of racism, colonization & patriarchy on my mind and body, i am committed to gently continue to decolonize my mind and body, practice radical self-acceptance as well as help others do the same, especially my fellow Jamaicans and BIPOC* communities.

***black indigenous people of colour (BIPOC)***

Thich Nhat Hanh, my root teacher

having a chance to pause and reflect about my past life as a monastic and what Thay (@thichnhathanh) meant to me then and now, i have gratitude for him and the gifts he has given me and the world. these gifts changed my life - the way i see and engage in life. i had bouts of depression & suicidal ideation when i came to the practice back in 2008. the practice saved my life. since i returned to my homeland, i see clearly that this gift of healing has a ripple effect.

when i think of Thay, his embodied teaching, his presence, his gentle, kind, wisdom come to mind. he was like a grandpa to me. he helped me restore trust and hope in myself & in humanity.

[video] before ordaining, he took the aspirants in my ordination family for a walk. This "legendary walk" ended at Thay’s hut where he drew calligraphy for each of us (mine below👇🏾). it was legendary indeed. this way of looking stayed with me as it helped me to appreciate moments in my life. i can see that meeting him was legendary and the time spent with him in plum village were legendary moments. my monastic life was a legendary chapter and as i move away into the unknown this is the next legendary chapter unfolding.

Thay’s calligraphy for me to practice with

~ceasing the preciousness of each moment~