SEPTEMBER - slow down

dear friends,

how are you doing? sometimes, a minute can feel like a lifetime and it makes me question the concept of time. it is the season of slowing down for me🍃. it became apparent that the inner and outer conditions are not sufficient for unstillness cohort 2 to manifest so it has been postponed to 2024. the monthly somatic gatherings for 2023 will continue (please see below). i am seizing this opportunity to slow down, process, integrate, listen and honour my insides. this year, i have been practicing stepping out of my shell and with many supports (known and unknown), i have been offering somatic / SOULmatic practices. it has been a rich journey, again showing me that our human potential is boundless and within reach. regardless of the systems of oppression we can lean on something greater and use whatever that comes at us for our own healing and freedom (while we continue to work at dismantling the systems). i don't take this lightly as i have been working intimately composting my life (or growing lotuses from my mud) as well as resisting the status quo. celebrating all the rebel hearts out there💃🏾🎉! may we continue to expand our capacity to show up 💯our authentic selves in this world.

i intend to share more with you about my process as time goes on. i would like to close with this song by James Brown

with care,

Kenyatta A


OCTOBER - self care